European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year

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Recently E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage, launched a campaign to influence the European authorities (European Commission and/or Council of Europe) to declare a European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year.

E-FAITH does want this initiative to grow bottom-up, showing that there is a large interest in Europe for this kind of heritage.
We therefore appeal to all heritage organisations, local preservation groups, associations for regional and local history, associations of museum friends and friends of heritage sites, museums, regeional development and tourism organisations, etc. to endorse this campaign by approving the memorandum pleading for the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year. Once a large number of associations have shown their support we will then go to the European authorities asking them to declare such a year. Our aim is to have the support of at least 250 organisations from at least 15 European countries before contacting the EU ande the CoE.

May we therefore ask you to support the initiative by approving the Memorandum.
If your organisation or institute does support the idea, please copy the text of the memorandum on your letterhead and send the approved copy, dated and duly undersigned by your representative(s) to our secretariat.
In attachment we do send you the English version of the memorandum.
The information on the campaign is at (a new website is under construction and will be effective after the summer holidays). The text of the memorandum is now also available in : Catalan , Dutch, Esperanto, French, German , Italian , Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish , Swedish – If there isn’t yet a version available in your language we will be delighted if you or somebody else from your country could produce a translation, which we can add to the website.




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