Industrial Heritage

CD_Cerámica El Castelo (Manuel Lara, 2009)

Cerámica "El Castelo", Monforte de Lemos (Manuel Lara, 2009)

The City Council of Naron tiles again and consolidates the protoindustrial complex of the mill of Xuvia; the City Council of Vigo decides to protect the rests of the Panificadora; the Department of Culture of the Xunta de Galicia protects the last shipwrights’ shipyard in the Pontevedra’s Estuary; we, stakeholders from the whole Spain, join in Talavera de la Reina to launch the state network of industrial tourism: something moves in the valorisation of the industrial heritage…

CD_Central hidroeléctrica del Pindo (Manuel Lara 2009)

Central hidroeléctrica del Pindo, Ézaro, Dumbría (Manuel Lara, 2009)




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