Augas Santas’ Spa


Os Baños de Augas Santas (Manuel Lara, 2013)

The spa as industry arose in the 18th century and consolidated along the 19th century, complementing its therapeutic nature as a social centre that alternated sportive, cultural, playful and festive activities.

After the break of decadence of spas that happened through the second third of the 20th century, it will follow its brilliant start as health resorts at the end of the 1980 decade, now with new commercial criteria, more dynamic and modern, oriented to users of all ages and conditions, like another option within the general field of the tourism industry.

CD_Augas Santas_hotel-golf-balneario

O novo Balneario de Augas Santas (Oca Augas Santas Balneario & Golf Resort, 2006)




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