Atlántica, Ltd.

It was first a factory of chemical products, mainly alcohols and bleaches. Afterwards, Álvaro Pazos, César Lombera and other partners tried to turn it into a dockyard. But they finished at last doing works of mechanics, foundry and boilermaking. Another

Neda’s Watermills

The generosity of Mr Antonio Fernández Couto, who coordinated the work, allowed us to have access to the splendid document “Muíños of Neda”, which will result in a better development of the corresponding catalogue cards for our inventory. Receive him

Ferro-Caaveiro’s First Prize of Investigation

We have received in this fifth year of our life a very special gift: the permission of his author, Mr Mario Valdivieso Mateo, and of the editors, the Association Board of Trustees Ethnographic Museum of A Capela, to put to

27 A Capela, na procura da luz eléctrica

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European Industrial Heritage Year in 2015

In a resolution adopted yesterday, 8th of March, by the Standing Committee meeting in Paris, the Assembly of the Council of Europe has made a series of practical recommendations to member States with a view to preserving Europe’s industrial heritage.

Os Amenadás’ Mill (Alders’ Mill)

Os Amenadás Mill (Alders’ Mill) celebrates in this year its first two hundred years of life. Designed to house until six mills, the building received two turbine mills that provided flours to the region during more than a hundred years.

Lambre Grist Mills

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Muíño da Barcia

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25 La fábrica de la memoria

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