Buxa, The Galician Association for the Industrial Heritage, is a non-profit institution established under the protection of Spanish Law 1/2002, March 22nd, ruling Association Law. Its aim is to foster the understanding of the industry in its technology, archaeology, history, economy, sociology, environment and historiography fields. To achieve such purpose, the Association has, amongst others, the following objectives:
- The investigation of the industrial heritage (archaeological, ancient, modern and contemporary), the industrial history, the industrial economy, the industrial sociology and the industrial historiography.
- The dissemination by any means of the understanding of the mentioned industrial heritage, of the industrial history, of the industrial economy, of the industrial sociology and of the industrial historiography.
- The recovering, the refurbishing, the construction and reconstruction, as well as the preservation and the promotion of the mentioned industrial heritage.
- The inventory of the industrial heritage and the management of its knowledge, even in its technical, archaeological, historical, economical, sociological, environmental and historiographical sides, either by computing or telematic means, or either by any other mean in the traditional way.
- The organization or performance of studies, conferences, seminars, congresses and any other event seeking to achieve the mentioned goals.
- The sponsorship, the preparation, the design, the edition and the distribution of publications in any kind of support to achieve the mentioned goals.
- Any other activity intended for the dissemination and achievement of the mentioned goals.
Buxa endeavours to recover, to refurbish, and to reconstruct our land’s industrial heritage, as well as to reach a greater understanding and appreciation, preservation and promotion of the mentioned industrial heritage as a piece of our history; once and for all, to attach importance to our industrial heritage.
Multitudes of human activities which had and continue to have profound historical consequences leave its remains in which is called industrial heritage: tools, machinery, buildings, quarries, mines, roads, vehicles, bridges, waterways, boats… This particular heritage has the universal acknowledgement of its social value as part of the record of the lives of ordinary men and women, and as such it provides an important sense of identity.
The knowledge and understanding of this cultural wealth, and its recovering and conservation for future generations guarantees a better understanding of our history over the years and of the huge impact of the industrialization on our culture. And is not of least importance the meaning of those cultural remains in order to revitalize the links of many people with their territorial references.
The industrial heritage inventory and the management of its knowledge in its technical, archaeological, historical, economical, sociological, environmental and historiographical sides will bring to our country a new cultural and touristic wealth.
Buxa, The Galician Association for the Industrial Heritage was granted of public interest by Order of December 20th 2013 (Diario Oficial de Galicia no. 1, January 2nd 2014).
Aquí pode consultar os Estatutos – Statute that you may review here
Socios fundadores (21-VII-2008) / Founder members (2008 July 21st):
Diéguez Pazos, Alejandro
Lara Coira, Manuel
Lorenzo Mur, Luis
Montero Martínez, José
Socios de número / Full members:
Andión López, Jorge
López Rico, Juan
Martínez de la Riva Rico, Pedro Antonio
Socios colaboradores individuais / Individual contributing members:
Álvarez Fernanz, Javier
Ares Gómez, José Enrique
Blanco Suárez, Xosé Luis
Candia Durán, Marco
Fernández Olea, Enrique
García Fraguela, Juan José
Liñares Túñez, Manuel Anxo
López Bedoya, Juan
López Bedoya, María
Martínez Pintos, Alberto
Merlán Bollain, Javier
Miranda Santos, Bruno de
Pérez Pérez, Xulio
Ramalleira Vázquez, Domingo
Rumbo Noya, José
Soto González, José Ramón Ovidio
Valdés González, Jaime
Verea Castelo, María Ángeles
Socios colaboradores colectivos e institucionais / Institutional and collective contributing members:
Asociación de Ingenieros Industriales de Galicia (AIIG)
Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol (Universidade da Coruña)
Lembus Ingeniería y Consultoría Técnica, S.L.
Regasificadora del Noroeste, S.A. (REGANOSA)
Tasga Renovables, S.L. (TASGA)
Otros colaboradores / Other contributors
Cerezodesign / José María Cerezo
Culturmar, Federación Galega pola Cultura Marítima e Fluvial
Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Galicia (ICOIIG)
Antiguos colaboradores / Past contributors
Agalcari, Asociación Galega de Carpintería de Ribeira
Alarde Sociedad de Energía, S.A.
Albaola, Factoría Marítima Vasca
Amergin, Instituto Universitario de Estudos Irlandeses da Universidade da Coruña
Anú Pictures (Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland)
Asociación Cultural Xábrega (Ares)
Asociación de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos de España
Camino Society Ireland CLG (Dublin, Éire)
Carballo Couñago, Antonio
Casal Ramos, Diego
Consello Galego de Enxeñeiros Técnicos Industriais (CGETI)
Dirección Xeral de Desenvolvemento Pesqueiro da Consellería do Mar da Xunta de Galicia
Ecénarro Tomé, Ignacio
Editorial Sirio
Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste Peninsular
Energía de Galicia, S.A. (ENGASA)
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial de Vigo
Fundación Exponav
Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa (GAS NATURAL FENOSA)
G.O.C., S.A.
Iberdrola España, S.A.
Iberdrola Renovables Galicia, S.A. (IBERDROLA)
Instituto Universitario de Estudos Marítimos da Universidade da Coruña
Fernández Negral, Justino
Martínez López, José Antonio
Meitheal Mara CTR (Cork, Ireland)
Mesa Amado, María del Carmen
Pita da Veiga Vázquez, Juan
Salgado + Liñares, S.L.
Santalla López, Manuela
Secretaría Xeral de Modernización e Innovación Tecnolóxica da Presidencia da Xunta de Galicia
Sociedad Anónima de Obras y Servicios Copasa (COPASA)
Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente (SOGAMA)
Tesec Audiovisuales
Valdivieso Mateo, Mario
Via Veteris, Associação Jacobeia de Esposende
Villar Vaamonde, José Vicente
Vispalia Blanco, José María