
It was already ancient the debt contracted with this very beautiful town where we can find in so many and so fondly taken care footprints of the first industrialization: fabrics, leathers and –of course– the gristmills of the Arnoia, with

5th European contact weekend for industrial and technical heritage volunteers and associations

E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage is the European platform promoting contacts and co-operation between nonprofit volunteer associations, the place where those can meet, exchange experiences, learn from each other and support each other’s activities

Iria – Padrón

Sunday Fair in Padron is much longer known than the remains of the bulb’s factory close in the neighborhood of Iria. We have put together in our “Inventory” the relevant information we gathered referring to.

Silver mines in A Fonsagrada

Longer summertime days help us to calmly walk up and down the high sierras in A Fonsagrada, facing to Asturias. Down by the river there we found the old mining mills where lead and silver from A Fornaza and Riodeporcos

Still working

Certainly this web seems a little static, but take a look to the inventory: we continue walking through the country and we soon shall reach some two hundred entries.

Sociedad Anonima Cros

By the end of 1931 the Catalan company Sociedad Anónima Cros inaugurated in El Burgo (surroundings of Coruña) a factory to produce fertilizers commonly used in Galicia since early the 20th century. Raw materials were pyrites from Huelva and natural

181 catalogue cards in the inventory

They are already one hundred eighty-one catalogue cards which we have entered into the inventory of our industrial heritage, references ranging from the oldest salt mines up to the most modern power plants, passing through mines, tanneries, textile mills, bridges,


Thanks a lot to Román Correa, who reported us the proper limits of the parishes of San Andrés de Cedeira and San Vicente de Trasmañó, within Redondela’s municipal boundaries. We have already repaired our mistakes in the relevant files of

Industrial Heritage

The City Council of Naron tiles again and consolidates the protoindustrial complex of the mill of Xuvia; the City Council of Vigo decides to protect the rests of the Panificadora; the Department of Culture of the Xunta de Galicia protects